Big Data Management

Storage, Management and Protection of all Big Data.

Storage, Management and Protection of all Big Data

Over the past few years, business organizations have seen huge growth in the amounts of data that need to be handled. Enormous volumes of data are churned out every single day and the diversity of this data is also immense. However, if an organization is able to effectively manage and utilize this data, then this wealth of information can be used for effective and quick decision making. As such, shifting towards Big Data management and analytics is the way to go from the business growth and information management perspective.

Here’s where GP InfoTech can help the organizations with an efficient and proven tools and methodology. We offer complete end to end services in Big Data management and analytics, allowing organizations to gain control over large volumes of unstructured data, which is always increasing at a rapid pace.

Conventional approaches towards storage, management and protection of data fall quite short when handling such enormous volumes of data. At GP InfoTech, we realize this fact and we make use of innovative and cost effective methodologies to help retain and structure Big Data. Our solutions can help businesses make the most of existing infrastructures, while also addressing the vast challenges posed by Big Data management.

Through our innovative and cost effective approach, businesses can gain much better insight over all types of data – both structured and unstructured and both historical as well as current. The best part about our solution is that all enterprise data can easily be classified and accessed by users and applications in real time, allowing for incredibly quick and effective decision making.

Our Capabilities

We offer a comprehensive suite of Big Data solutions, which can work effectively in the most demanding of environments. Our capabilities in Big Data management include the following:

Structuring and Retention of Data

With the explosion in data and in increase in the amount of data being generated by customers, there is a huge need in retaining data, while also maintaining accessibility and visibility. We offer an end to end solution to management and protection of Big Data, with structuring capabilities. Current data is stored in a fast tier so as to facilitate easy access and as data gets older, it is gradually archived. This process is also made transparent to both applications and to users, making it incredibly easy to research either historical or current data.

Real-Time Sharing of Data

Whatever storage platforms may be used across an organization, our Big Data solutions offer flexibility to easily and rapidly share data across systems in real time. Even as servers grow and storage environments change, our solutions are scalable, allowing uninterrupted data access to applications and users.

Automation of Workload

Our Big Data solutions also facilitate the automation of workloads, with end to end consolidation and scheduling of data. Our solutions enable rapid and accurate results across multiple databases, systems and applications, while reducing the dependencies involved. This allows for organizations to adapt data infrastructures and remain more competitive.

Big Data Analytics

In addition to the implementation and management, we also offer analytics on Big Data. Our solutions enable organizations to automate processes, including the collection, processing and contextualizing of data including the relevant metadata, allowing for ease of analysis. This not only helps in realizing patterns across historical and current data, but can also help a business take better and more effective instant decisions.

Why GP InfoTech

At GP InfoTech, we boast of having a dedicated team on Big Data solutions, consisting of experts and certified specialists. While we have extensive knowledge on how the explosion of data impacts organizations around the globe, we also have sufficient experience in dealing with digital technologies and Big Data.

Our Big Data Solutions are based around the storage, management and protection of vast volumes of data – going into petabytes. We understand that every business organization has its own unique set of needs and requirements and we are completely committed to offering end to end services for Big Data Management.

By making use of our solutions, businesses can effectively and efficiently manage enormous data volumes to realize the following benefits:

  • Enhancement of market shares and returns on investment through valuable business insights delivered by analytics
  • A much lower total cost of ownership, by using cost effective solutions